What's this spud feeling?

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2002-12-04 - 10:38 a.m.

I can't remember how long it's been since I've seen snow.

I woke up at nine, as I've been doing lately--why, I've not a clue--as usual, my right nostril encrusted in blood--the cold, quitting smoking, smoking in general, all, some, something else?--and I heard a sound on my window. It sounded like something outside, but that was creepy and odd, considering that window is one story up. Thought it was the air conditioner vent hitting the blinds, but no, it was snow hitting the window from the outside.

So now I've got to go get my coat and hat and scarf on and smoke a cigarette. It would be fun.

One of my older friends finally contacted last night. I called this morning. I'm to pick her up after her class ends and take her home. I think she's living with her boyfriend now. Hmm. Anyway, I'll be great to see her this weekend, but I'm supposed to be going to a birddog trial with my dad. So hmm.

Plots thicken, so does mucous, and when that means it's time to spit, you know you're in Kentucky.

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