What's this spud feeling?

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2002-12-07 - 7:45 a.m.

Saturday morning. Just the phrase means a lot, doesn't it?

I was woken up at 6 central. I'm to be gone all day at a dog trial. I'm really a little off.

Anyway, I was thinking of a few things. Caught part of The Silence of the Lambs a couple of nights ago. I know Megan said something about people saying she looked like Jodie Foster, but for some reason, something else made me think of her. Maybe it was the tenderness walking hand-in-hand with strength... The abject honesty and realism of this woman hero that nonetheless captured our attentions. A man's interactions with Lecter would never be so powerful.

Then I saw the end of Bullets over Broadway. Of course that reminded me--almost every Woody Allen movie shouts to my brain "Hey, this is you up here!"--and I also watched it with her. I'm sure she'd love me for the person and not the artist, which is important, because I don't think I'm an artist. I'm just worried that I could never love myself. Eh. Guess I'm just going to have to settle for a girl who's perfect for me. Sigh.

Anyway. Going to leave soon, but something deserves note.

On the way to my grandmother's house, my dad was driving us on the highway. Well, you know those "speeding fines doubled when workers present" signs? Seems Kentucky, or this region of it, has a bit of local flavor. You'll see a sign saying this:


And then a silhouette of a rearing horse.

Quaint and still quainter...

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